Is MagicTree capable of handling large data sets? Are there known limitations?

So far, we didn't manage to reach the limits. We have see it successfully handle data on thousands of active hosts. Loading files and generating reports can take a while on large data sets.

I get XML parser errors when I try to open or merge XML data from Burp Suite Professional. What's the problem?

Burp Suite by default includes complete HTTP requests and responses in the XML it produces. If the data contains NULL characters, this results in invalid XML, that most parsers won't parse. To get around this problem, do the following when exporting data from Burp:

From Burp Scanner, select the issues you want, and choose "report selected issues" in the context menu. Select XML in "Choose report format" dialog. Then, in "Choose request details to include" and "Choose response details to include" select "none" for both. Select a file to save XML to. That file can be opened or merged by MagicTree.

The report generation and "Open in browser" does not work on Linux with KDE. Why?

This is a known bug.

It appears that the Java Desktop API that we are using to start OpenOffice does not work in KDE (it only works in Gnome on Linux) - see .

It means that the report gets generated, but OpenOffice Writer fails to start. As a workaround, you can start OpenOffice and then open the generated report file from OpenOffice. The generated report files are located in $HOME/.magictree/tmp/ and are called mtreport*.odt.

"Open in browser" uses the same Java API, so it does not work with KDE either.

How can I sort query results?

Currently you can't. However it is on our bug/feature list. Expect this in next release.


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