1.2 https://www.gremwell.com/ en MagicTree 1.2 Is Out https://www.gremwell.com/magictree-1.2-released <span>MagicTree 1.2 Is Out</span> <div><p>MagicTree 1.2 is available for <a href="/sites/default/files/MagicTree-1.2-build1802.jar">download</a>. New features in this release:</p> <ol><li>Metasploit XML import (issue #228) </li> <li>Support "critical" severity from Nessus 5 (issue #254) </li> <li>XSLT export. MagicTree data can now be exported as arbitrary XML. An XSLT for nmap-format export is provided. Use case: merge multiple nmap files, then export as one file to use in Nessus scan (issue #77) </li> <li>Importing exploitability data from Nessus </li> <li>Added "Save file as..." button to XML file view </li> <li>Support for importing output of nmap scripts. Thanks to <a href="http://www.gremwell.com/node/649">c4rt</a> </li> </ol><p>Bug fixes and other changes:</p> <ol><li>Properly tracking when data needs saving </li> <li>Properly add URLs to CVEs and BIDs in Nessus imports </li> <li>Better handling of table selection during copy-paste in Table View - select first column if no columns are selected </li> <li>Properly update tree view on setStatus </li> <li>Line separator in copy-paste data from tables should be \n, not \r </li> <li>Fix for #294 "Open and Merge Files dialogs should have *.mt and *.xml in filters" </li> <li>Two-pass reading of MagicTree XML to better handle cross-references and detect integrity problems </li> <li>XSLT bug fixes </li> <li>Removed "tree promote" feature </li> <li>Removed "Create sibling" menu </li> <li>Some refactoring of the core, removing unused classes and methods </li> </ol></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/10" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">alla</span></span> <span>Wed, 09/26/2012 - 17:15</span> Wed, 26 Sep 2012 15:15:05 +0000 alla 800 at https://www.gremwell.com