captcha en Testing Riddler CAPTCHA <span>Testing Riddler CAPTCHA</span> <div><p>We have recently been swampted by spam forum posts and comments. Some seem to be submitted by bots while other appear to be from humans. Untill now we've been using <a href="">Image CAPTCHA module</a> which doesn't seem to help much. We have now installed and configured <a href="">Riddler</a>. Let's see if it helps.</p> <p>If you are trying to submit a post or comment and can't get through Riddler, please send us an email.</p> </div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/10" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">alla</span></span> <span>Sat, 10/20/2012 - 17:15</span> Sat, 20 Oct 2012 15:15:56 +0000 alla 850 at