MagicTree 1.3 - important bug fixes and support for IBM Rational AppScan

Submitted by alla on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 11:20

We have released MagicTree 1.3. It fixes several nasty bugs that may lead to data corruption. We recommend everybody who uses MagicTree to upgrade. New features include support for AppScan XML and better handling of Imperva Scuba XML

Here is the full change log:

  • Fix for #307 "Cannot create a working report template in LibreOffice".
  • Better parsing of Imperva Scuba XML
  • Fixed NullPointerException in FileFilter
  • Added debugging to idTracker and sanity checking to TreeController to catch the intergity bug
  • Fix for NullPointerException when handling MtSimpleObjects with no text
  • Fixes for data integrity bugs causing duplicated ids and broken xrefs
  • Added support for AppScan XML - contributed by VienHa Tran

Download MagicTree 1.3


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